April 21, 2021: Nice’n’easy

I just found out about Tim Gill over on Reddit. Sadly, the context in which I found out was that he and his wife died in a plane crash last week. So I don’t know if it will help his kids at all or anything, but I went and bought his whole catalog over on Bandcamp and play a couple of those tracks in this show.

Some other highlights this week include tracks from Emily Cole, The Hot Sardines, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Shirt Tail Stompers, and lots, lots more.

Enjoy, and do a little dance for me!

March 24, 2021: Sinnerman

We’re watching through Sherlock on Netflix, which has been a joy, not only because the show is great but because our ten-year-old has been enjoying it as well. It’s nice to have something not animated, not Star Wars / Marvel / Harry Potter, that everyone likes to watch. Nice, and sometimes rare.

Anyway, the episode we just watched included Nina Simone singing Sinnerman, and that song is so, so, so good. So it’s in this show, along with a bunch of other really good songs.

Also, Valerie June’s new album just came out, and it is BONKERS GOOD.

March 17, 2021: Feeling Green

Second Mixcloud show, which seems to be working out well. Give me a follow over there if you have not already, that is where the music is going to live from here on out.

I’ll keep posting shows on the site, of course, and this is also a good space to make song requests, which I will try and play!

Not a real big theme this week, just lots of good music, and a few little nods to St. Patrick’s Day. Maybe it actually is easy being green?

March 10, 2021: Sunny with a Chance of Mixclouds

Alright, well it’s happened. I’m going to keep posting shows here, but with an embedded Mixcloud widget rather than uploading files directly to the site here and playing them through the built-in media player. I think it should continue to work just fine!?

Lots of new music to show off, and it’s almost 100% a Bandcamp (read: independent) artist show, which is the where I want to be, ultimately.

I want to very particularly give a shout out to Hey Mister Jesse and especially the new compilation album they just released. You can read all about it over on Yehoodi or get the compilation itself directly on Bandcamp. All proceeds from sale of the album will go to support the Black Lindy Hoppers Fund. Oh, and the dang thing has 41 AMAZING tracks on it. If you want one single album that has some of the best swing music on Bandcamp, this one is it.

Mixcloud player should be showing up just below here. Let me know how it works out for you in the comments, and feel free to go over to Mixcloud and follow my channel there too while you’re at it! Thanks and happy dancing!