August 25, 2021: Heck Yeah, Bagpipes!

I know the title may be Bagpipe Blues, but this is really bagpipe swing, baby!

Gunhild Carling is my new discovery, so along with a couple tracks from her (and her big band) we’ve got Rugcutter Dance Orchestra, Dandy Wellington, Tacla, Shirt Tail Stompers, Posey Royale, and lots, lots more!

No really, bagpipes. In swing. It works, I swear ….

July 28, 2021: People Are Strange

We’re back, and with lots of great music to share! Along with both Portal songs in swing-along versions from 8-Bit Big Band, I have some great tracks from Shirt Tail Stompers, The Hot Sardines, Le Dancing Pepa Swing Band, and Monkey Doo, among others.

Here is a fun recent video from Monkey Doo over on their YouTube channel, speaking of. Check it out!

New shows getting posted over on Mixcloud, but you will hear them first if you tune in to KAOS directly, either via the local airwaves or streaming at or using your favorite radio streaming app.

May 26, 2021: Gender is a Masquerade

Cats & Dinosaurs make great swing music, and they’re also not afraid to include some serious social commentary in their songs, as the title of this week’s show can attest.

Check them out over on Bandcamp, and enjoy some more great music including some more Swedish swingers, Gentlemen & Gangsters, along with bands out of Turkey, Tel Aviv, Luthuania, France, and lots of other cool places!

Il faut que ça swing!

April 7, 2021: Get Out and Get Under the Moon

This brand new track by Leigh Barker off her album, Melbourne, is just one of the many new (and new to me) tracks featuring this week on the show. It was Bandcamp Friday last week, which means all proceeds there go directly to the artists, so I got about a dozen new albums to add to my collection, which just means more great music to share with you!

Thanks for listening!

March 24, 2021: Sinnerman

We’re watching through Sherlock on Netflix, which has been a joy, not only because the show is great but because our ten-year-old has been enjoying it as well. It’s nice to have something not animated, not Star Wars / Marvel / Harry Potter, that everyone likes to watch. Nice, and sometimes rare.

Anyway, the episode we just watched included Nina Simone singing Sinnerman, and that song is so, so, so good. So it’s in this show, along with a bunch of other really good songs.

Also, Valerie June’s new album just came out, and it is BONKERS GOOD.