August 4, 2021: Celebrating Tamar Korn

Tamar’s birthday was July 29 (which is actually a happy coincidence!) – but I actually decided to focus on her in this show because I realized just how many tracks I had with her singing that were with entirely different groups and in different settings. Like this lovely little personal concert she did last year with Mamie Minch …

Lots of great music all around, of course, but you’ll hear Tamar singing in various tracks with various bands, such as Gaucho, Eli & the Chocolate Factory, Professor Cunningham and his Old School, and Mona’s Hot Four. And, of course, with Mamie Minch, again, because they are both amazing.

You can find Tamar on Instagram and Facebook.


April 21, 2021: Nice’n’easy

I just found out about Tim Gill over on Reddit. Sadly, the context in which I found out was that he and his wife died in a plane crash last week. So I don’t know if it will help his kids at all or anything, but I went and bought his whole catalog over on Bandcamp and play a couple of those tracks in this show.

Some other highlights this week include tracks from Emily Cole, The Hot Sardines, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Shirt Tail Stompers, and lots, lots more.

Enjoy, and do a little dance for me!

March 24, 2021: Sinnerman

We’re watching through Sherlock on Netflix, which has been a joy, not only because the show is great but because our ten-year-old has been enjoying it as well. It’s nice to have something not animated, not Star Wars / Marvel / Harry Potter, that everyone likes to watch. Nice, and sometimes rare.

Anyway, the episode we just watched included Nina Simone singing Sinnerman, and that song is so, so, so good. So it’s in this show, along with a bunch of other really good songs.

Also, Valerie June’s new album just came out, and it is BONKERS GOOD.