August 4, 2021: Celebrating Tamar Korn

Tamar’s birthday was July 29 (which is actually a happy coincidence!) – but I actually decided to focus on her in this show because I realized just how many tracks I had with her singing that were with entirely different groups and in different settings. Like this lovely little personal concert she did last year with Mamie Minch …

Lots of great music all around, of course, but you’ll hear Tamar singing in various tracks with various bands, such as Gaucho, Eli & the Chocolate Factory, Professor Cunningham and his Old School, and Mona’s Hot Four. And, of course, with Mamie Minch, again, because they are both amazing.

You can find Tamar on Instagram and Facebook.


March 17, 2021: Feeling Green

Second Mixcloud show, which seems to be working out well. Give me a follow over there if you have not already, that is where the music is going to live from here on out.

I’ll keep posting shows on the site, of course, and this is also a good space to make song requests, which I will try and play!

Not a real big theme this week, just lots of good music, and a few little nods to St. Patrick’s Day. Maybe it actually is easy being green?